For all persons given the Diabetes Care Survey (DCS) and have been told they have diabetes, DIACONF indicates how confident the respondent is in their ability to care for their diabetes.
The Diabetes Care Survey
This variable is part of the DCS, a supplemental, self-administered pencil-and-paper survey first administered in 2000 to gain additional information about how respondents treat their diabetes. MEPS participants ages 18+ receive the DCS based on how they were identified in the MEPS-HC interview in DIABETICEV, which asked whether, other than during pregnancy, the person has ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that they had diabetes or sugar diabetes. DIABETICEV moved from the Quality (Priority Conditions) Supplement Section to the Priority Conditions Enumeration (PE) Section beginning with Panel 12. For more information about the DCS, please see the Diabetes Care Survey user note.
Other DCS Variables
The DCS asks questions pertaining to the following topics:
- DCSDIABDX: Respondent has been told they have diabetes
- DIA1CEXAMYR: Number of exams for A1C hemoglobin, past 12 months
- DIAFTEXAMYR: Number of exams for foot sores, past 12 months,
- DIAFTCKNV: Respondent has never had their feet checked,
- DIAFTCKNXYR: Respondent had their feet checked in the subsequent year,
- DIAFTCKCALYR: Respondent had their feet checked in the current calendar year,
- DIAFTCKPVYR: Respondent had their feet checked in the previous year, and
- DIAFTBFPVYR: Respondent had their feet checked before the previous year
- DIAEYEXNV: Respondent has never had an eye exam,
- DIAEYEXNXYR: Respondent had an eye exam in the subsequent year,
- DIAEYEXCALYR: Respondent had an eye exam in the current calendar year,
- DIAEYEXPVYR: Respondent had an eye exam in the previous year, and
- DIAEYBFPVYR: Respondent had an eye exam before the previous year
- DIACHLYRS: Number of years since respondent last had blood cholesterol checked,
- DIACHLNV: Respondent has never had their blood cholesterol checked,
- DIACHLNXYR: Respondent had their blood cholesterol checked in the subsequent year,
- DIACHLCALYR: Respondent had their blood cholesterol checked in the current calendar year,
- DIACHLPVYR: Respondent had their blood cholesterol checked in the previous year, and
- DIACHLBFPVYR: Respondent had their blood cholesterol checked before the previous year
- DIAFLUYRS: Approximate number of years since respondent last had a flu vaccination,
- DIAFLUNV: Respondent has never had a flu vaccination,
- DIAFLNXYR:Respondent got a flu vaccination in the subsequent year,
- DIAFLCALYR:Respondent got a flu vaccination in the current calendar year,
- DIAFLPVYR: Respondent got a flu vaccination in the previous year, and
- DIAFLBFPVYR: Respondent got a flu vaccination before the previous year
- DIAKIDNPR: Respondent's diabetes has caused kidney problems
- DIAEYEPR: Respondent's diabetes has caused eye problems
- DIETFOLLOW: Respondent follows a special diet to manage diabetes
- DIAPILLS: Respondent is taking pills to treat diabetes
- INSULIN: Respondent is taking insulin for diabetes
- DIACLASS: Ever took class in diabetes management,
- DIALRNPHN: Respondent received a telephone call to learn how to treat their diabetes,
- DIALRNNP: Respondent learned to treat their diabetes from an appointment with a nurse,
- DIALRNVST: Respondent learned how to treat their diabetes from a visit to their home,
- DIALRNRFR: Respondent learned how to treat their diabetes from a referral to a specialist,
- DIALRNPCP: Respondent learned how to treat their diabetes from a doctor within their primary care practice,
- DIALRNNPC: Respondent learned how to treat their diabetes from a doctor not in their primary care practice,
- DIALRNPHHP: Respondent learned how to treat their diabetes from a doctor not in their primary care practice, and
- DIALRNINT: Respondent learned how to treat their diabetes by reading about it on the internet
- DIARESPOND: Respondent status for diabetes supplement
Users can view all of the DCS forms on the MEPS Survey Forms page.
Codes and Frequencies
- 2008-2021: All persons ages 18+ who reported a diabetes diagnosis in the priority conditions section of the MEPS survey (DIABETICEV), were given the Diabetes Care Survey (DCS), and reported in the DCS that they had been told by a doctor or other health professional they have diabetes or sugar diabetes (DCSDIABDX).
- 2008-2021
- 2008-2021 : DIABWEIGHT