For adults 18 and older who completed the Social and Health Experiences (SHE) self-administered questionnaire (SDOHELIG), SATISFIED indicates how satisfied they are with their life as a whole these days. SATISFIED was fielded as one of two satisfaction questions adapted from the Panel Study of Income and Dynamics Well Being and Daily Life Supplement for the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) supplement fielded via the 2021 MEPS-HC SHE pencil-and-paper questionnaire. The SHE questionnaire was the first MEPS-HC questionnaire to be fielded using both paper and web modes. For more information about the sources adapted for the SHE, please see AHRQ's list of "Sources for Questions in the MEPS Social and Health Experiences Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ)."
SDOH Technical Variables[show more]
- SDOHELIG: SDOH Eligibility Status
- SDOHMM: Month completed SDOH supplement on SHE
- SDOHYY: Year completed SDOH supplement on SHE
- SDOHWT: Final SDOH person weight
- SDOHPROXY: Relationship of proxy respondent to adult
Related Variables
In addition to SATISFIED, one additional question, also derived from the Panel Study of Income and Dynamics Well Being and Daily Life Supplement, was asked about satisfaction in the SDOH supplement on the 2021 SHE:
- SATISHOME: Satisfaction with house/apartment
Other variables included in the SDOH supplement on the 2021 SHE include:
Neighborhood Ratings
The SDOH supplement included on the 2021 SHE included a series of questions that asked respondents to rate a set of characteristics about their neighborhood. These questions were adapted from the Urban Institute's 2017 Well-Being and Basic Needs Survey, which measures well-being and a family's ability to meet basic needs. The Neighborhood Characteristics variables include the following:
- RATEMEDCARE: Rate neighborhood availability of places to get medical care
- RATEPARKS: Rate neighborhood availability of parks and playgrounds
- RATEHLTHFD: Rate neighborhood availability of places to buy healthy food
- RATESAFETY: Rate neighborhood safety from crime and violence
- RATEPUBTRANS: Rate neighborhood access to public transportation
- RATEAFRDHOUS: Rate neighborhood availability of affordable housing
The SDOH supplement included on the 2021 SHE included a series of questions that asked respondents to report on their health and health behaviors. These questions were adapted from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Accountable Health Communities (ACH) Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) Screening tool, which measures whether an individual has any unmet health-related social needs, and from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institutes on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study. The ACH HRSN Screening tool items were developed from multiple sources, which are included in the Sources section below. The health and health behaviors variables include the following:
Transportation Barriers
- TRANSBAR: Lack of transportation keeps person from medical appointments, meetings, work, or activities of daily living, past 12 months
- LATERENT: Household's rent/mortgage was late or unpaid because household could not afford to pay, past 12 months
- LATEUTIL: Household unable to pay electric, gas, oil, or water bills on time, past 12 months
- SHUTUTIL: Home utilities were threatened to be shut off, past 12 months
- HARDPAYBASIC: How hard to pay basics like food, housing, medical care, and heating
- UNEXPEXP: How confident able to come up with $400 if an unexpected expense arose within the next month
- MISSPAYCCLN: Missed a payment on a credit card or loan (not including mortgage), last 12 months
- DEBTCOLL: Contacted by debt collection agency, last 12 months
- HOMPROBPEST: The place where person lives has problems with pests
- HOMPROBMOLD: The place where person lives has problems with mol4
- HOMPROBLEAD: The place where person lives has problems with lead paint or pipes
- HOMPROBHEAT: The place where person lives has problems with lack of heat
- HOMPROBCOOK: The place where person lives has problems with oven or stove not working
- HOMPROBSMKDT: The place where person lives has problems with smoke detectors missing or not working
- HOMPROBLEAKS: The place where person lives has problems with water leaks
- HOMPROBNONE: The place where person lives does not have housing quality problems
- FSNOTLAST12M: Worried about food running out before person got money to buy more, last 12 months
- FSRUNOUT12M: Food didn't last and person did not have money to get more, last 12 months
[show more]
- MODEXERDAYS: Number of days per week engaged in moderate exercise, last 30 days
- MODEXERDUR: Average number of minutes spent engaged in moderate exercise
- STRESSAMTCUR: Rating of current stress level
- ECIGEV: Ever used an electronic nicotine product
The SDOH supplement included on the 2021 SHE included a series of questions that asked respondents about their level of social support. Questions about the amount of help expected from family, friends, and community if a problem arose were adapted from the Urban Institute's 2017 Well-Being and Basic Needs Survey, which measures well-being and a family's ability to meet basic needs. Questions about the frequency of different types of social interactions were adapted from the Institute of Medicine Measures of Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health. The Social Support variables include the following: [show more]
- SUPFAMILY: Amount of help expected from family if problem arose
- SUPFRIENDS: Amount of help expected from friends if problem arose
- SUPCOMMTY: Amount of help expected from community if problem arose
- SUPTLKPHN: How often talks on phone/video to family, friends, or neighbors in typical week
- SUPGETTGT: How often gets together with friends or relatives in typical week
- SUPCHURCH: How often attends church or religious services (in-person or online)
- SUPCLUBORG: How often attends meetings of clubs or organizations (in-person or online)
The SDOH supplement included on the 2021 SHE included a series of questions that asked respondents about their level of loneliness. These questions were adapted from UCLA'sLoneliness Scale, which measures one's subjective feelings of loneliness as well as feelings of social isolation. The Loneliness variables include the following: [show more]
- LONECOMPAN: How often feels lack of companionship
- LONELEFTOUT: How often feels left out
- LONEISOLATED: How often feels isolated from others
The SDOH supplement included on the 2021 SHE included a series of questions that asked respondents to indicate whether they had experienced discrimination in different settings. These questions were adapted from the Urban Institute's 2018 Well-Being and Basic Needs Survey, which measures well-being and a family's ability to meet basic needs. The Experiences with Discrimination variables include the following: [show more]
- DSCRMDR: Ever experienced discrimination at doctor's office, clinic, or hospital
- DSCRMWRK: Ever experienced discrimination at work
- DSCRMJOB: Ever experienced discrimination when applying for jobs
- DSCRMHOUS: Ever experienced discrimination when trying to rent or buy housing
- DSCRMPOL: Ever experienced discrimination when interacting with law enforcement
- DSCRMSSVC: Ever experienced discrimination when applying for social services or public assistance
- DSCRMSTR: Ever experienced discrimination at a restaurant or store
The SDOH supplement included on the 2021 SHE included a series of questions that asked about respondent's personal safety. These questions were adapted from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' Accountable Health Communities (ACH) Health-Related Social Needs Screening tool, which measures whether an individual has any unmet health-related social needs. The ACH HRSN Screening tool items were developed from multiple sources, which are included in the Sources section below. The Safety variables include the following [show more]
- SFTYPHYSHURT: How often does anyone physically hurt person
- SFTYINSULT: How often does anyone insult or talk down to person
- SFTYTHRHARM: How often does anyone threaten person with harm
- SFTYSCREAM: How often does anyone scream or curse at person
The SDOH supplement included on the 2021 SHE included a series of questions that asked respondents about their childhood experiences. These questions were adapted from the Center for Disease Control's 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, which measures health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) variables include the following: [show more]
- ACEMENTDEPEV: When under age 18, lived with someone who was depressed, mentally ill, or suicidal
- ACEALCEV: When under age 18, lived with a problem drinker or alcoholic
- ACEDRUGEV: When under age 18, lived with someone who used illegal street drugs or abused prescription medication
- ACEJAILEV: When under 18, lived with someone who served time in prison, jail, or correctional facility
- ACESEPDIV: When under 18, parents separated or divorced
- ACEPRNTVIOL: When under 18, how often did parents or adults in home slap, hit, kick, punch, or beat each other up
- ACEPRNTVFREQ: When under 18, how often did parents or adults in home hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt person
- ACEPRNTINSLT: When under 18, how often did parents or adults in home swear, insult, or put person down
- ACETCHCHLD: When under 18, how often did adult or someone at least 5 years older touch person sexually
- ACETCHADLT: When under 18, how often did adult or someone at least 5 years older try to make person touch them sexually
- ACEFRCSXCH: When under 18, how often did an adult or someone at least 5 years older force the person to have sex
Codes and Frequencies
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
- 2021: Sample adults age 18+ and eligible for SDOH with data recorded (SDOHELIG).
- 2021
- 2021 : PERWEIGHT
This variable has no flags.