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Ever experienced discrimination at doctor's office, clinic, or hospital


For adults 18 and older who completed the Social and Health Experiences (SHE) self-administered questionnaire (SDOHELIG), DSCRMDR indicates whether the respondent has ever experienced discrimination at a doctor's office, clinic, or hospital. DSCRMDR was fielded as one of seven questions about experiences with discrimination included in the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) supplement fielded via the 2021 SHE pencil-and-paper questionnaire. The SHE questionnaire was the first MEPS-HC questionnaire to be fielded using paper and web modes. Please see SATISFIED for more information on the SDOH supplement, including a complete list of variables fielded on the 2021 SHE.

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The SDOH supplement included on the 2021 SHE included a series of questions that asked respondents to indicate whether they had experienced discrimination in different settings. These questions were adapted from the Urban Institute's 2018 Well-Being and Basic Needs Survey, which measures well-being and a family's ability to meet basic needs. In addition to DSCRMDR, the Experiences with Discrimination variables include the following:

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  • DSCRMWRK: Ever experienced discrimination at work
  • DSCRMJOB: Ever experienced discrimination when applying for jobs
  • DSCRMHOUS: Ever experienced discrimination when trying to rent or buy housing
  • DSCRMPOL: Ever experienced discrimination when interacting with law enforcement
  • DSCRMSSVC: Ever experienced discrimination when applying for social services or public assistance
  • DSCRMSTR: Ever experienced discrimination at a restaurant or store