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Rate neighborhood availability of places to get medical care


For adults 18 and older who completed the Social and Health Experiences (SHE) self-administered questionnaire (SDOHELIG), RATEMEDCARE indicates the respondent's rating of the availability of places to get medical care in their neighborhood. RATEMEDCARE was fielded as one of six questions about neighborhood characteristics included in the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) supplement fielded via the 2021 SHE pencil-and-paper questionnaire. The SHE questionnaire was the first MEPS-HC questionnaire to be fielded using paper and web modes. Please see SATISFIED for more information on the SDOH supplement, including a complete list of variables fielded on the 2021 SHE.

Related Variables
The SDOH supplement included on the 2021 SHE included a series of questions that asked respondents to rate a set of characteristics about their neighborhood. These questions were adapted from the Urban Institute's 2017 Well-Being and Basic Needs Survey, which measures well-being and a family's ability to meet basic needs. In addition to RATEMEDCARE, the Neighborhood Characteristics variables include the following:

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  • RATEPARKS: Rate neighborhood availability of parks and playgrounds
  • RATEHLTHFOOD: Rate neighborhood availability of places to buy healthy food
  • RATESAFETY: Rate neighborhood safety from crime and violence
  • RATEPUBTRANS: Rate neighborhood access to public transportation
  • RATEAFRDHOUS: Rate neighborhood availability of affordable housing