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Supplemental Person Weight 1


SUPP1WT is an IPUMS MEPS-constructed variable for use in analyses of variables collected for both SAQ-eligible adults and for children in the Child Preventive Health supplement.

In the MEPS, there are a series of questions about health care access and utilization that are asked on the SAQ that are also asked on the Child Preventive Health supplement. An analysis of those variables would require users to employ SAQWEIGHT for cases where the response was collected on the SAQ and PERWEIGHT for cases where the response was collected on the Child Preventive Health supplement. To allow users to analyze these variables more easily across both questionnaires, IPUMS MEPS staff created SUPP1WT. For persons who were ages 18 and older in Round 2 or 4, SUPP1WT is the same as SAQWEIGHT. For persons who were ages 0 to 17 in Round 2 or 4, SUPP1WT is the same as PERWEIGHT.

See SAQELIG for more information on the SAQ and LESSHLTHY for more information on the Child Preventive Health supplement.

Users should review the documentation for extracted variables, most notably the "Weights" section toward the top of each variable description, to ascertain which weight is the appropriate choice for a given survey year. See the User Notes on the use of sampling weights for additional information.


SUPP1WT is a 12-digit numeric variable with 6 implied decimal places.


This variable is comparable for all years, with the stipulation that each year's SAQWEIGHT and PERWEIGHT values are adjusted for contemporaneous Current Population Survey population estimates.


  • 2001-2021: Persons ages 18 and older with SAQ data and children ages 0-17.


  • 2001-2021


  • No weights are available for this variable. Please refer to SUPP1WT for more information.


This variable has no flags.