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Self-Administered Questionnaire weight


SAQWEIGHT is an IPUMS MEPS-constructed variable based on the Final SAQ Weight in the original MEPS annual full-year consolidated files. This weight should be used for many cross-sectional analyses at the person level, particularly with variables for which information was collected about persons selected for the Self-Administered Questionnaire (SAQ) (see SAQELIG for the person's SAQ eligibility status). For each year, the sum of these weights is equal to that year's civilian, non-institutionalized U.S. population aged 18 and older. SAQWEIGHT adjusts for SAQ non-response.

In 2000, SAQWEIGHT also includes weighting information for children under the age of 18 whose parent or guardian completed the Parent Administered Questionnaire (PAQ). For 2000 only, the sum of SAQWEIGHT is equal to the full civilian, non-institutionalized U.S. population. SAQWEIGHT does differ from PERWEIGHT in 2000 because the poststratification age group of 15-19 was partitioned into two groups, 15-17 and 18-19, for SAQWEIGHT to account for the target populations of the SAQ and PAQ.

Users should review the documentation for extracted variables, most notably the "Weights" section toward the top of each variable description, to ascertain which weight is the appropriate choice for a given survey year.

See the User Notes on the use of sampling weights for additional information.


SAQWEIGHT is a 12-digit numeric variable with 6 implied decimal places. That is, values of 012345678912 should be interpreted as 12345.678912. The command files delivered with IPUMS extracts automatically divide SAQWEIGHT by 1,000,000, so no further adjustment is needed.


This variable is comparable for all years, with the stipulation that each year's SAQWEIGHT values are adjusted for contemporaneous Current Population Survey population estimates. In 2000 only, SAQWEIGHT includes children ages 0 to 17 in addition to adults ages 18 and older. In all other years SAQWEIGHT only has positive weights for adults ages 18 and older with SAQ data.


  • 2000: Persons with SAQ data and children ages 0-17 with PAQ data.
  • 2001-2021: Persons with SAQ data.


  • 2000-2021



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