For all persons given the Diabetes Care Survey (DCS) and have been told they have diabetes, DIAFLPVYR reports whether the respondent received a flu vaccination (shot or nasal spray) in the year prior to the current calendar year. For more information about how the structure of MEPS data collection impacts the collection of DIAFLPVYR, please see the Diabetes Care Survey user note.
Prior to 2008, information about the length of time since a respondent last had a flu shot was recorded in DIAFLUYRS, which reports the approximate number of years since a respondent last had a flu shot. Beginning in 2008, MEPS changed the structure of the question about a flu vaccination. For the full list of variables pertaining to when a respondent received a flu vaccination, please see DIAFLUNV.
DIAFLPVYR is one of a set of variables comprising the DCS, a supplemental, self-administered pencil-and-paper survey about how respondents treat their diabetes. For related variables and more information, please see DIACONF.
Codes and Frequencies
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- 2008-2022: All persons ages 18+ who reported a diabetes diagnosis in the priority conditions section of the MEPS survey (DIABETICEV), and were given the Diabetes Care Survey (DCS), and reported in the DCS they had been told by a doctor or other health professional they have diabetes or sugar diabetes (DCSDIABDX).
- 2008-2022
- 2008-2021 : DIABWEIGHT
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