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For all medication-round fills, except diabetic equipment and supplies (see RXNAME) and drugs determined to be a confidentiality risk, RXDRGNAM reports the generic name most commonly used by prescribing physicians for the medication. The drug classification system used to assign RXDRGNAM has remained consistent over time, making it well-suited for trend analyses or pooling years or panels together. RXDRGNAM is assigned using the Multum Lexicon database (for more information about the Multum Lexicon database, see the following section). See also RXNAME and RXNDC for additional information about prescribed medication-round fill attributes.

A drug can pose a confidentiality risk for several reasons. Examples include orphan drugs, drugs that are estimated to be used by fewer than 200,00 people, or drug names that provide identifying information about the pharmacy or respondent. An orphan drug is a drug that treats a rare disease or condition but has been discontinued because there is little or no economic incentive to continue development or production. See Rare Diseases at the FDA for more information about how these drugs are designated and the effort to financially support their development and production under the Orphan Drug Act. See the codes tab for more detailed information about how these cases are handled in the data.

RXDRGNAM is on the prescribed medication-round fill record (or "medication-round fill record," see RECTYPE for more details on the different record types in IPUMS MEPS). Variables offered on the medication-round fill record through IPUMS MEPS are derived from the prescribed medicines file provided by AHRQ. Please see our overview of the event, medical conditions, and prescribed medicines variables, including how those variables are offered through IPUMS MEPS, and general considerations to keep in mind when conducting analyses using these variables.

IPUMS MEPS reports the universe for each variable based on a thorough review of the original MEPS documentation. Investigating the data may reveal cases that do not meet the stated universe. Users are encouraged to validate universes for their analyses.

In 2020 and 2021, AHRQ has issued a correction for a small number of records that were incorrectly assigned the code for "ALBUTEROL". These instead should have been assigned as "INSULIN GLAGINE". For more specific information, please see AHRQ documentaion for 2020 and 2021. IPUMS MEPS will correct this variable in the near future.

Multum Lexicon Variables

Cerner Multum, Inc. develops the Multum Lexicon database that MEPS uses to classify drugs reported by respondents in the MEPS-HC. Each drug is assigned a Multum drug name (RXDRGNAM), a pregnancy category (PREGCAT), and to one or more therapeutic class, sub-class, and sub-sub-class designations (see MULTC1 for more information about the Multum Lexicon variables).

Users of the Multum Lexicon variables should cite Multum Lexicon, AHRQ, and IPUMS MEPS as the data sources.