For all events, CPI2009E provides the Consumer Price Index multiplier (available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics) to convert dollar figures to constant 2009 dollars. Multiplying dollar amounts by this variable (which is constant within years) will render the amounts into 2009 dollars and thus suitable for multivariate analysis, dependent on any changes over time in the other variables used in the analysis.
For IPUMS MEPS, 2009 dollars represent data in 2009 as income and expenditures are asked about for the current year.
For more information on how to use CPI2009E, please see the IPUMS MEPS User Notes on Consumer Price Index.
This is a 4-digit numeric variable with 3 implied decimal places. That is, values of 1234 should be interpreted as 1.234. The command files delivered with IPUMS extracts automatically divide CPI2009E by 1,000, so no further adjustment is needed.
- 1996-2022: All events.
- 1996-2022
- No weights are available for this variable. Please refer to CPI2009E for more information.
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