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Create Event Summary Variable

Use this MEPS Event Summary Variable Builder tool to define new person-level variables that summarize information from the event and medical conditions data (more information on this feature).



Make selections on this page to limit to events that occur during a specific time period: either month or event round. NOTE: Calendar month is not available for the Other Medical Expense event type.

Make selections on this tab to limit to events that had expenditures associated with specific payment sources.

Make selections on these tabs to use information from the condition record to filter your event summary variable. You are able to choose from ICD-10 clinical codes (2016-present), ICD-9 clinical codes (1996-2015), and related accident or injury information.

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Make selections on this page to limit to events that are linked to specific types of medical conditions identified using the ICD-10 or ICD-9.

Make selections on this tab to select ICD-10 coded conditions linked to event selections. NOTE: Not all codes listed in the menu below contain data. Please see ICD10CODE's case-count view for a detailed frequency distribution.

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Make selections on this tab to select ICD-9 coded conditions linked to event selections. NOTE: Not all codes listed in the menu below contain data. Please see ICD9CODE's case-count view for a detailed frequency distribution.

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Make selections on this tab to limit to events that have associated current conditions with specific accident or injury-related characteristics.
