Event Summary Variable ICD-10 Filter

Make selections on this tab to select ICD-10 coded conditions linked to event selections. NOTE: Not all codes listed in the menu below contain data. Please see ICD10CODE's case-count view for a detailed frequency distribution.

This filter represents the IPUMS variable ICD10CODE. For all current conditions associated with a medical event or prescribed medicine during the year, ICD10CODE reports the ICD-10-CM code for the condition. To preserve confidentiality, AHRQ collapsed the fully specified ICD-10-CM codes into 3-digit diagnosis code categories. Prior to 2016, conditions are coded to ICD-9-CM codes.

ICD10CODE is on the condition record (see RECTYPE for more details on the different record types in IPUMS MEPS). The MEPS Variable Builder will link across record types automatically. Variables offered on the condition record through IPUMS MEPS are derived from the Medical Conditions file provided by AHRQ. Please see our overview of the event, medical conditions, and prescribed medicines variables, including how those variables are offered through IPUMS MEPS, and general considerations to keep in mind when conducting analyses using these variables.