Event Summary Variable Conditions Filters

Make selections on these tabs to use information from the condition record to filter your event summary variable. You are able to choose from ICD-10 clinical codes (2016-present), ICD-9 clinical codes (1996-2015), and related accident or injury information.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) provides an internationally consistent classification of morbidity and mortality to track disease in populations (WHO 2018). In the United States context, the ICD forms the basis for health insurance billing, making it a crucial aspect of understanding medical expenditures and health systems change. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey employs the ICD version 9 (ICD-9) to classify medical conditions from 1996-2015 and the ICD version 10 (ICD-10) beginning in 2016. The largest change between the ICD-9 and ICD-10 condition classification schema is the dramatic increase in the number of codes to classify conditions, from roughly 17,000 in the ICD-9 to 155,000 in the ICD-10 (Hirsch et al. 2016). To protect confidentiality, the public use version of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey aggregates ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes to 3 digit codes, in contrast to their fully specified 5 digit width. Procedures to suppress rare conditions are also employed. For more information, please see the "Resources Section" of the MEPS Variable Builder User Note and the "Conditions" section of our user note on Events, Conditions, and Prescribed Medicines for more information about editing procedures to preserve confidentiality.