MEPS-HC Sections |
Topic |
Panel |
Round |
Access to Care (AC) |
Usual Source of Care (USC) Details; Barriers to Care |
19 |
4 |
20 |
2 |
Preventive Care (AP) |
Frequency of Check-ups; Flu Shots; Preventive Health Exams |
19 |
3,5 |
20 |
3 |
Assets (AS) |
Real Estate; Investments; Assets; Debts |
19 |
5 |
Calendar (CA) |
Health Events Calendar |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Condition Enumeration (CE) |
Summary Assessment of Physical & Mental Health; Physical & Mental Health Conditions, Accidents, Injuries |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Closing (CL) |
Authorization Forms for Each Unique Person-Provider Pair & Each Unique Person-Establishment Pair |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Accident/Injury & Conditions (CN) |
Physical & Mental Health Conditions; Accident, Injury & Priority condition |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Charge Payment (CP) |
Total Charges & Sources of Payment for Medical Events |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Child Preventive Health Supplement (CS) |
General Health Status; Special Healthcare Needs; Potential Behavioral Problems; Accessibility to Healthcare; Preventative Care; Height, Weight |
19 |
4 |
20 |
2 |
Disability Days (DD) |
Impact of Physical Illness, Injury, Mental, Emotional Problem on Household Members' Attendance At Work or School |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Dental Care (DN) |
Dental Care Visit; Type of Dental Care Provider; Treatments & Services Performed; Prescribed Medicines |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Event Driver (ED) |
Verifies & Modifies Information Entered in Provider Probes, Event Roster, & Provider Roster Sections |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Employment (EM-A) |
Employment or Self-Employment Status |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Employment Driver (EM-O) |
Information on Jobs Held by Each Person in Household Aged 16+ |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Emergency Room (ER) |
Health Conditions Requiring Emergency Room Care; Medical Services Provided; Surgical Procedures Performed; Prescribed Medicines; Physicians/Surgeons Providing ER Care |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Event Roster (EV) |
Detail on Event Dates, Type of Event, & Type of Provider |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Employment Wage (EW) |
Wage Structure for Non-Self Employed, Current Jobs |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Flat Fee (FF) |
Types of Medical Payment Arrangements that Charge A Grouped Amount, or Flat Fee, for Multiple Visits or Services |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Health Status (HE) |
Physical Impairment & Limitations; Assistance/Supervision; HIV/AIDS & Assitive Equipment |
19 |
3,4,51 |
20 |
1,2,31 |
Home Health (HH) |
Types of Healthcare Workers Providing Home Health Services; Reasons for Home Healthcare; Nature of Home Health Services Provided; Frequency of Visits; Length per Visits; Duration of Visits |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Private Health Insurance Detail (HP) |
Private Health Insurance Policy; Insurance Company; Policyholder; Household Coverage |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Time Period Covered Detail (HQ) |
Timeframe of Health Insurance Coverage |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Hospital Stay (HS) |
Hospital Length of Stay; Reasons or Conditions Requiring Hospitalization; Surgical Procedures Performed; Medicines Prescribed; Physicians & Surgeons Providing Hospital Care |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Health Insurance (HX) |
Details on Private Health Insurance Obtained through Employer, Direct Purchase Private Insurance Plans, or Public Health Insurance Programs. |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Income (IN) |
Federal Income Tax Filing Status; Itemized Deductions for Health Insurance Premiums; Tax Credits; Wages; Other Private Income Sources; Public Assistance Income |
19 |
3,5 |
20 |
3 |
Managed Care (MC) |
Coverage Under Private Managed Care Plans; HMO; Other Types of Managed Care Plans; Non-Managed Care Plans; Characteristics of Insurance Plan |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Medical Provider Visits (MV) |
Nature of Contacts or Visits; Type of Provider; Time Spent with Provider; Health Conditions Requiring Medical Provider Services; Treatments/Services Performed; Surgical Procedures; Prescribed Medicines. |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Old Employment & Private Related Insurance (OE) |
For RU Members that Hold Same Job in Rounds 2-5, Details on Continuation of Insurance Coverage |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Other Medical Expenses (OM) |
Expenses for Glasses/Contact Lenses or Insulin & Other Diabetic Equipment or Supplies |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Outpatient Department (OP) |
Outpatient Department Care, Nature of Contact; Type of Care Received; Health Conditions Requiring Outpatient Services; Treatments & Services Performed; Surgical Procedures; Prescribed Medicines; Physicians/Surgeons Providing Outpatient Services |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Quality (Priority Conditions) Supplement (PC) |
Sore/Strep Throat; Diabetes; Asthma; Hypertension; Coronary Heart Disease; Angina; Heart Attacks; Other Heart Disorders; Strokes; Emphysema; Joint Pain; Arthritis |
19 |
3,5 |
20 |
1,3 |
Provider Directory (PD) |
Directory of all Medical Persons & Medical Facilities Reported By MEPS Respondents |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Priority Conditions Enumeration (PE) |
Information on Women identified in Condition Enumeration Having been Pregnant at any Time during the Reference Period |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Prescribed Medicines (PM) |
Details on Prescribed Medicines Reported in Medical Events Sections; Additional Prescriptions |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Provider Probes (PP) |
Medical Professionals & Practitioners; Medical Facility or Clinic; Hospital/Medical Services |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Old Public Related Insurance (PR) |
for RU Members Covered During Previous Round by Government Sponsored Insurance Providers, Details on Continuation of Coverage |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Provider Roster (PV) |
Details on Medical Provider |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Reenumeration Section Subsection A (RE-A) |
Includes Questions RE01 Through RE75, which Identify & Define The Eligibility Status for Each Person/Family Unit Living Within Each MEPS Sampled Household |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Reenumeration Section Subsection B (RE-B) |
Includes Questions RE76 through RE112. This Section Details how Family Members are Related to One Another & Size of the Family Unit |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Review of Employment Information (RJ) |
Job Status; Salary where Changes in Wages Occur; Full- or Part-Time Work; Health Insurance Benefits; Size of Employment Establishment if Jobholder is Self Employed |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |
Information Screen (RS) |
Interviewer Problems, Instructions & Records |
19 |
3,4,5 |
20 |
1,2,3 |