2024 MEPS Summer Workshop
Held in conjunction with the 2024 Data-Intensive Research Conference
July 29-30, 2024 | Minneapolis, MN
IPUMS Health Surveys is accepting applications for the 2024 IPUMS MEPS summer workshop. The workshop will be held in-person on July 29-30 at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
We encourage applications from scholars who have worked with quantitative data, even if they are relatively new to IPUMS and or the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component (MEPS-HC). Strong applicants will express their interest in leveraging MEPS-HC data to their full potential with specific emphasis on linking across file types (e.g., medical condition, event, and prescription medication records) and/or longitudinally.
By attending this workshop, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, early career researchers, and experienced scholars developing a new line of research will receive:
- an in-depth tutorial on the IPUMS version of MEPS-HC data, including medical condition, event, and prescription medication records
- a guided introduction to unique features embedded in the IPUMS MEPS user interface to further customize extracts and facilitate the use of linked MEPS data
- sample code and hands-on lab time to become familiar with MEPS-HC data from IPUMS
- support to set up a linked data file to address specific research questions that leverage multiple file types and/or the longitudinal aspect of the MEPS data
- opportunities to discuss research ideas with workshop leaders and others who have similar interests
Tentative Schedule
Monday, July 29, 2024
9:00-9:15 Breakfast
9:15-10:15 Welcome and Introductions
10:30-11:15 History of IPUMS
11:30-12:30 Linkages with IPUMS Data
12:30-1:45 Roundtable Lunch Discussions
2:00-4:00 Introduction to IPUMS MEPS
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
9:00-9:15 Breakfast
9:15-10:15 Overview: Linking Person, Event, and Condition Data
10:30-11:30 Introduction to the IPUMS MEPS Variable Builder
11:45-12:30 Lab & Drop-in Consultations with IPUMS Research Staff: Hands-on exercise linking person, event, and condition data
12:45-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:45 Linking Information Across Time: Overview and special considerations
3:00-4:30 Lab & Drop-in Consultations with IPUMS Research Staff: Hands-on exercise to create longitudinal data using options in the IPUMS MEPS interface
This schedule is tentative and subject to slight alterations in time or topical coverage of specific sessions to accommodate participant interests, presenter expertise, and social events as part of the workshop.
Key Dates
- April 24, 2024: Workshop applications due
- May 20, 2024: Notification about selection for workshop (including travel support to attend)
- July 29-30, 2024: IPUMS MEPS Summer Data Workshop
Instructions for Applying
Applicants should complete this form by April 24, 2024 and be prepared to submit a brief statement about their professional background, interest in attending the workshop, and how attending the workshop will further their research agenda.
The workshop is free, but space is limited.
IPUMS Health Surveys will offer travel support for some participants selected to attend the workshop and conference. Travel support recipients may receive reimbursement for some or all of the following expenses: domestic airfare, lodging, and/or ground transportation. Funding will be awarded with an emphasis on supporting scholars interested in using IPUMS MEPS data to study topics related to NICHD's priority areas (understanding human development, improving reproductive health, promoting women's health, enhancing the lives of children and adolescents, and optimizing abilities for all).
Support for this workshop is provided by the NICHD-funded IPUMS Health Surveys Project (R01HD046697), the Minnesota Population Center (P2CHD041023), and the University of Minnesota's Life Course Center (P30AG066613).