RECTYPE is an IPUMS MEPS-constructed variable that allows users to discriminate between the different record types in the data. For non-vacant households, each household record is followed by one or more person records. Data at the household level pertain to each person in the household.
Round level records indicate information that is collected during one or more of the five interview rounds that each respondent participates in.
Event, medication-round, and medication-round fill records indicate information that is collected for a specific medical event. Condition level records indicate information that is collected about a specific medical condition. Please see our overview of the event, medical conditions, and prescribed medicines variables, how those variables are offered through IPUMS MEPS, and general considerations to keep in mind when conducting analyses using these variables.
Event-medication-round link records indicate information that can be used to link event records to medication-round and medication-round fill records. Condition-event link records indicate information that can be used to link condition records to event, medication-round, and medication-round fill records.
RECTYPE is a 1-character alphabetic variable.
P Person
R Round
E Event
X Condition
J Condition-Event Link
M Medication-Round
F Medication-Round Fill
K Event-Medication-Round Link
- 1996-2022: All households.
- 1996-2022
Survey Text
Constructed variable, consult variable description.
- No weights are available for this variable. Please refer to RECTYPE for more information.