For all persons, OBNPHVIS captures the total number of visits to an office-based non-physician during the year. Non-physician visits include visits to the following providers: chiropractors, midwives, nurses and nurse practitioners, optometrists, podiatrists, physician assistants, physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, social workers, technicians, receptionists/clerks/secretaries, or other medical providers. Separate utilization variables are included for selected types of more commonly seen non-physician providers, including chiropractors (OBCHIVIS), nurses/nurse practitioners (OBNPVIS), optometrists (OBOPTVIS), physician assistants (OBPAVIS), and physical or occupational therapists (OBTHVIS).
Related variables
Refer to the page for total number of office-based medical provider visits (OBTOTVIS) to see a list of the types of office-based medical providers for which this information is available.
OBNPHVIS is a 3-digit numeric variable.
- 1996-2016: All persons.
- 1996-2016
- 1996-2016 : PERWEIGHT