For all persons, HICHAMPANY is an annual summary variable that indicates whether the person had TRICARE health insurance coverage for at least one day during the calendar year (for 2000-forward) and CHAMPUS health insurance coverage for at least one day during the calendar year (for 1996-1999). TRICARE (formerly, CHAMPUS) is a Department of Defense regionally-managed health care program that provides comprehensive coverage for active duty US military personnel, military retirees, their dependents and survivors.
This variable was constructed by AHRQ staff based on the values of the corresponding 12 month-by-month TRICARE health insurance coverage variables (TRIJAX-TRIDEX) for 2000-forward and the corresponding 12 month-by-month CHAMPUS health insurance coverage variables for 1996-1999 (not yet available through IPUMS MEPS).
Codes and Frequencies
Starting October 1, 2001, persons 65 years and older have been able to retain TRICARE coverage in addition to Medicare. TRICARE acts as a supplemental insurance for Medicare, similar to Medigap insurance. In 1996-2001, AHRQ staff changed self-reported TRICARE responses for persons 65 years and older to "no." Beginning in January 2002, AHRQ staff no longer overturned TRICARE coverage for these persons.
- 1996-2021: All persons.
- 1996-2021
- 1996-2021 : PERWEIGHT