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Other reason family member had difficulty obtaining medical care: No other reason


For all persons eligible for the Access to Care section (ACCESSELIG) with any family member who had difficulty obtaining needed medical care in the past 12 months (DIFCARFM) who provided a main reason for having difficulty obtaining needed care (DIFCARFMY), DIFCARFMYNO reports that family members had no additional reasons for difficulty obtaining care, other than the main problem listed in DIFCARFMY. A "No" response indicates that there was another reason the family member(s) had difficulty obtaining care; a "Yes" response can be interpreted as "Yes, there was no other reason for difficulty or delay or not obtaining care." Persons who reported a main problem for their family members' difficulty/delay/non-receipt of needed care were asked to report additional contributing problems, and could report more than one problem as part of this follow-up question.

DIFCARFMYNO is collected as part of the Access to Care section, which gathers information on usual source of care for all family members, characteristics of usual source of care health providers, and barriers family members have faced in obtaining needed health care. Please see DIFCARFM for all variables describing the family member's difficulty obtaining medical care and ACCESSELIG for more information about the Access to Care section.

IPUMS MEPS reports the universe for each variable based on a thorough review of the original MEPS documentation. Investigating the data may reveal cases that do not meet the stated universe. Users are encouraged to validate universes for their analyses.