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Delay in medical care due to COVID pandemic, round


This is the round level variable for CVDLAYCA. CVDLAYCARD was collected in round 7 for persons in their third year of data collection (RELYR = 3), round 5 for persons in their second year of data collection (RELYR = 2), and round 3 for persons in their first year of data collection (RELYR = 1), excluding people that were non-response, dead, or institutionalized during any of the three collection rounds listed previously.

For more information and related COVID variables in MEPS see CVDLAYCA.

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This variable has no comparability issues.


  • 2020: Persons who are in scope in round 7 of panel in relative year 3, round 5 of panel in relative year 2, or round 3 of panel in relative year 1 excluding individuals who were non-response, dead, or institutionalized during round 7, 5, or 3(in respective relative years).
  • 2021: All persons.


  • 2020-2021



This variable has no flags.