For persons aged 16 and older who are in scope and have a current main job, INDCAT90RD reports the industry category of the person's current main job. INDCAT90RD reports a condensed industry value based on detailed 3-digit 1990 Census industry classification of a verbatim text field collected during the interview. For condensed industry codes in FYC 2002-forward files, please see INDCATRD.
Codes and Frequencies
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
In 1996, INDCAT90RD only includes persons aged 16 and older with a current main job who are eligible in rounds 1 and 2 of data collection; in subsequent years, RUSIZERD is available for persons aged 16 and older with a current main job. Otherwise, this variable is completely comparable across time.
- 1996: Persons aged 16 and older who have a current main job, and who are eligible (ELIGRD = 4) and in rounds 1 or 2 of data collection.
- 1997-2001: Persons aged 16 and older who are in scope and reported a current main job.
- 1996-2001

- 1996-2001 : PERWEIGHT