INCTOT reports the sum of all person-level income for the current calendar year, excluding income from tax refunds and capital gains.
INCTOT includes annual earnings from wages, salaries, bonuses, tips, commissions; business and farm games and losses; unemployment and workers' compensation; interest and dividends; alimony, child support, and other private cash transfers; private pensions, IRA withdrawals, social security, and veterans payments; supplemental security income and cash welfare payments from public assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and related programs; gains or losses from estates, trusts, partnerships, S corporations, rent, and royalties; and a small amount of "other" income. Person-level income excluded tax refunds and capital gains.
Logical editing or weighted, sequential hot-deck imputation was used to impute income amounts for missing values (both for item non-response and for person in the full-year file who were not in round 3). Reported income components were generally left unedited.
Related Variables
- INCWAGE: annual wage and salary income of individuals
- INCBUS: annual business income of individuals
- INCUNEMP: annual unemployment compensation income of individuals
- INCWKCOM: annual workers' compensation income of individuals
- INCINT: annual interest income of individuals
- INCDIVID: annual dividend income of individuals
- INCRETIR: annual pension income of individuals
- INCSS: annual social security income of individuals
- INCTRST: annual trust/rent income of individuals
- INCVET: annual veteran income of individuals
- INCIRA: annual IRA income of individuals
- INCALIM: annual alimony income of individuals
- INCCHLD: annual child support income of individuals
- INCCASH: annual other regular cash income income of individuals
- INCSSI: annual SSI income of individuals
- INCWELFR: annual public assistance income of individuals
- INCOTH: annual other income of individuals
INCTOT is a 9-digit numeric variable with 2 implied decimals. That is, values of 012345678 should be interpreted as 123456.78. The command files delivered with IPUMS extracts automatically divide INCTOT by 100, so no further adjustment is needed.
9999999.96: Not in Universe
9999999.97: Unknown-refused
9999999.98: Unknown-not ascertained
9999999.99: Unknown-don't know
- 1996-2022: All responding households
- 1996-2022

- 1996-2022 : PERWEIGHT