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Reference period end date: year, round record


ENDRFYRD indicates the year of the reference period end date for the round. It should be used with the variable ENDRFMRD, which reports the corresponding month of the end of the reference period. For most persons in the sample, the date of the round interview is the reference period end date. The end date of the reference period may be prior to the date of the interview if the person is deceased during the round, left the responding unit, was institutionalized prior to the round interview, or left the responding unit to join the military.


This is a 4-digit numeric variable.


In 1996, ENDRFYRD only includes eligible persons in rounds 1 and 2 of data collection; in subsequent years, ENDRFYRD is available for all eligible persons. Otherwise, this variable is completely comparable across time.


  • 1996: All persons who are eligible (ELIGRD = 4) and in rounds 1 or 2 of data collection.
  • 1997-2021: All persons who are eligible (ELIGRD = 4) for data collection.


  • 1996-2021



This variable has no flags.