BEGRFMRD indicates the month of the reference period beginning date for the round. It should be used with the variable BEGRFYRD, which reports the corresponding year of the beginning of the reference period. For most persons in the sample, the beginning date of the round 1 interview is January 1. For subsequent rounds, the reference period for most persons begins on the date of the previous round's interview (and ends at the date of the current round's interview). The beginning date of the reference period may be after the previous round's interview for persons who joined the RU after the previous round's interview; in these cases, the beginning reference date for the round is set to the day the person joined the RU.
This is a 2-digit numeric variable.
- 1996: Persons who are in scope.
- 1997-2021: All persons who are eligible (ELIGRD = 4) for data collection.
- 1996-2021
- 1996-2021 : PERWEIGHT