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Ever had COVID-19 booster shot, round record


For all persons in the first two interview rounds of the year who had ever been vaccinated for COVID-19 (CVDVAXRD)), CVDBOOSTRD is a round-level variable that indicates if the respondent had ever received a COVID-19 booster shot prior to the current interview. Questions regarding COVID vaccinations were collected for Panel 24 Rounds 7 and 8, Panel 26 Rounds 3 and 4, and Panel 27 Rounds 1 and 2.

CVDBOOSTER is a corresponding annual-level variable asked only in 2021. Please see CVDEVER for more information on the COVID variables.

IPUMS MEPS reports the universe for each variable based on a thorough review of the original MEPS documentation. Investigating the data may reveal cases that do not meet the stated universe. Users are encouraged to validate universes for their analyses.