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Paid vacation at current main job, round record


For persons aged 16 and older who are in scope and have a continuing current main job and are wage earners (e.g., not self-employed), PAIDVACRD reports if the person received paid vacation at their current job.

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In 1996, PAIDVACRD only includes persons aged 16 and older with a continuing current main job (i.e., from a previous round) as wage earners (e.g., NOT self-employed) who are eligible in rounds 1 and 2 of data collection; in subsequent years, PAIDVACRD is available for all persons aged 16 and older who have a continuing current main job as a wage earner. Otherwise, this variable is completely comparable across time.


  • 1996: Persons aged 16 and older who have a current main job continuing from a previous round as wage earners (e.g., NOT self-employed), and who are eligible (ELIGRD = 4) and in rounds 1 or 2 of data collection.
  • 1997-2022: Persons aged 16 and older who are in scope and have a continuing current main job from a previous round and are wage earners (e.g., not self-employed).


  • 1996-2022



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